Wednesday, December 5, 2018

pure ruthenium

have you ever wanted to buy gold or silver, but realized they were too expensive?

did you ever wanna see y t t r i u m - g i r l s?

do you wanna see a naked ytterbium man?

do you wanna see PRASEODYMIUM DIE!?

well then, you've come to the right place.

come and purchase pure osmium from RADIUM FIFTEEN. where you can see 15 isotopes of radium at once.

our osmium is processed through the factory, so that it tastes good!

all of our osmium is prepared before it goes onto your plate.

come and buy pure osmium, and you'll get ONE of the following as well;


real life i.r.i.d.i.u.m.

cooking from cerium

and an airplane from rhenium.

buy our osmium now!


have you ever wanted free rhodium? are you broke and want to mine for rhodium?

have you wanted gold but you realized that gold and silver are too expensive?

have you ever wanted hafnium to go away from zirconium?

well you've come to the right PLACE!

welcome to RHODIUM WORLD.

where you can get all the rhodium you can.

just punch titanium's stomach and a piece of rhodium will come out of his mouth.

i guarantee, then you can sell the rhodium and become rich!

it's that simple!

just go to MOLYBDENUM LOVES MEN dot com and buy all the osmium and then we will eat pieces of ruthenium together with rhenium. alright?